วันเสาร์ที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Pillow Pet safety Issues For Children

Maybe you have never heard of the Pillow Pet, but in a nut shell it is a stuffed animal that children play with and when they get tired it also genuinely unfolds and acts as a pillow during their nap time. This is one of those as seen on Tv type products, where you can buy the product by calling the eight hundred number on the commercial or go to their associates website to purchase on line. It seems that these toys are all the rage right now with our youngsters, and I can see why. They are quite adorable as they come in vibrant and spicy colors in shapes ranging from farm animals, to sea creatures, to critters found on the African plains. They double as a cut adorable cuddly pet one minute, and at the loosening of a Velcro strap they unfold into a accumulate and plush pillow. With child toy security and I wondered about the security of the Pillow Pet for my own children, and here is what I found.

I think hear on the news every year of toys being recalled due to security issues and some type of awful occurrence where a child gets hurt. One genuinely good thing about the Pillow Pet is that there are no small pieces that come with the product that a child can put in their mouth. There is nothing that can be chewed or swallowed that could be some type of possible hazard for a child playing with it. Also, these stuffed animals are furry and soft, and there genuinely is no way for a child to hurt another child with it. After all, these toys double as cuddly pillows so how risky could they genuinely be? A Pillow Pet is made of chenille material which as far as I can tell from minimal investigate is non toxic, and the product is man-made highly well and does not look like it will come apart with heavy or rough play. The seams are joined tightly and the material will not fray and thread, so nothing should fall apart due to loose strings.

Pet Pillow

I am not an master on toy security for children, but common sense would tell just about anyone that a Pillow Pet is safe for children to play with, and sleep with. I am tired of seeing toys come out on the store every year and cause harm to our children, because they were not adequately tested by the company before the release. I do not see any of these issues at all with the Pillow Pet. My daughter keeps request me when I am going to buy her a Pillow Pet, and they are so cute and adorable you know I going to get it for her. She likes Alli Alligator and Mr. Bear, but she also is quite fond of Buzzy Bumble Bee and Zippity Zebra. So rest easy parents, I do not think we have anyone to worry about with regard to security issues with a Pillow Pet.

Pillow Pet safety Issues For Children

วันศุกร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Darth Vader Anger Issues: Dr. Uni

Darth Vader Anger Issues: Dr. Uni Tube. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

Episode 2 of the series takes off with the weird and mysterious Dr. Uni, who is a pillow pet. But, will Dr. Uni help Darth Vader, or perhaps he will just annoy him to death!!!!

Keywords: darth, Vader, anger, issues, episode

Knee change surgery - What You Need To Know From man Who Has Been There


Knee replacement is pretty scary, but you can do it since I, the biggest baby in the world, did it! After you and your doctor have decided you need your knee replaced, it's time to make preparations.

Pet Pillow

First and foremost, check with your guarnatee company to make sure which benefits you have. Find out specifically how long they will allow you to stay in the hospital. Many guarnatee fellowships will make you leave the on the fourth day after the carrying out and they may send you to a "rehabilitation facility", which in their jargon could mean a nursing home.

In my experience, I was transferred to the nursing home on a Friday. This meant I would not be evaluated by their visiting physical therapist until Monday. Because of that I declined from a 90 degree bend in my new knee to a 70 degree bend, in just three days. All my rehab in the hospital had just gone down the drain and I had to start all over again. Just so you know, you will be working towards a 125 degree bend after the Knee replacement Surgery.

I won't even go into the other down sides of being in nursing home. One funny thing that did happen is that I was the hot new chick; remember this is a nursing home. So, it is very leading to know how the guarnatee company will deal with you before, while and after the knee surgery.

Call the number on the back of your guarnatee card and ask the following questions:

o Find out with whom you are speaking, their position and their postponement number.

o I want to know what benefits I have for a total Knee Replacement.

o Do I have skilled physical Therapy benefits in the hospital where the surgery takes place for the Knee Replacement? Yes or No? If yes, what are they?

o Do I have restoration benefits for the Knee Replacement? Yes or No? If yes, what are they? Where may I go for the services?

o Do I have restoration equipment and supplies covered for the Knee Replacement? Yes or No? If yes, what are they? Is there a co-pay?

o Do I have ongoing patient therapy benefits for after the Knee Replacement? Yes or No? If yes, what are they? Where may I go for services?

o Do I have home therapy benefits after the Knee Replacement? Yes or No? If yes, what are they? Which Home health agencies may I use after the Knee Replacement?

To claim your independence at home, after your Knee replacement Surgery, buy a bar refrigerator that will go on a table next to your bed. This will be invaluable when you do come home. Stock it with water, sodas, milk, Jell-O's and individual pudding snacks. Fresh fruit is also a good snack. buy the 2 oz boxes of cereals and stack them beside the refrigerator. Put a large plastic drinking cup next to the bed and weight it with a golf ball, which will hold plastic utensils, knives, forks and spoons (the golf ball keeps it from tipping over). Use a plastic bowl for the cereal and throw it away when you're done. Bumblebee Tuna makes an individual lunch kit that comes pre-made with crackers and a exiguous wooden spoon.

These exiguous things will help you feel independent by being able to get breakfast, snacks and an occasional lunch on your own. It also gives your care giver a exiguous break. I found that there were some days that I had no appetite due to pain and/or medication so I kept a stock of Slim Fast or Boost in the refrigerator for basic nutrition.

If you smoke, now is the time to stop or at least cut down. Smoking constricts your blood vessels which is not a good thing when you're going in for major surgery. If you tend to be a exiguous over weight try to lose a few pounds. A exiguous less weight on a new knee joint, means a exiguous less pain. Okay, no more preaching.

Line up the population that will be helping you after your Knee replacement surgery and, believe me, you will need them. If you can afford it, hire someone to come in for 4-6 hours a day. They will help you get out of bed, shower and get dressed. They get ready your meals, help you with your therapy exercises, keep you company and give your spouse or essential other, a break. Interview them now and let them know what your timing is. Your church would be a good place to find someone, or if you live near a seclusion community, many times they have companions of their own that are finding for some extra income.

This isn't essential but I think wise. Donate two pints of your own blood in case of an emergency. Make sure that this is completed at least a week before the surgery. You have to donate one pint per week. If you are taking antibiotics wait five days before giving blood. The blood bank will give you a card with the unit number on it that you gift upon admission to the hospital.

You will need Grab Bars put into your shower/tub (don't use your towel bars). Put them in before you have the surgery, facility is not that difficult and you will be grateful for the assistance over the next combine of months. This is a major protection issue. Balance will be tough after your Knee replacement surgery especially the first combine of weeks. You should buy a shower stool so you can sit while bathing. Your doctor may supply you with a cast protector to keep your new knee dry.

Purchase three rubber mats, one for in the shower/tub and the other two to be lined up parallel face the shower/tub. You do not want to slip on a wet bathroom floor.

There is a product; a disposable body wash cloth, available that you can use to bathe in your bed. They can be placed in the microwave to be heated up and you can use them on days that you just can't face the shower. They come in packs of eight. While they say to use all eight for one bathing I found that four were sufficient. Just close up the remaining four and use save them for the next time.

You will need a pair of slippers that cover the whole foot with a non skid bottom, flip flops are just too dangerous. You will also need a pair of lace up shoes for stability.

Some other items that you may need are:

o Tv with Remote Control

o Telephone/emergency numbers

o A night light for the bathroom

o Handi wipes

o Bedside Commode/Toilet paper

o Tissues

o Dental floss, toothbrush, toothpaste

o Bell to ring for assistance

Another advice is to clear all the pathways in your home. Scatter rugs and cords are often the cause of falls, so are pillows and magazine. Take off articles from around the bed and chairs. Keep your pets under control. A dozing cat or a playful puppy in the wrong area can cause accidents.

Get a manicure, pedicure and haircut. They will be the last for at least eight weeks. Heck, if you can afford it, throw in a massage. If you like baths, take a long hot soak with lots of bubbles. This will be the last time you will be using your tub for that operation for some time.

Draw up a Living Will Directive and Declaration. Sign a Durable Power of Attorney/Proxy, and prescription a health Care Surrogate. These are for your protection and are very important.

Do not take anything valuable. Leave your purse, your wallet, money and jewelry at home. If you're female bring in a exiguous make up. It will make you feel better and will take your mind off your knee for a while. Bring in a book, you may not read it but at least you'll have something to take your mind off of why you're there.

During And After Your Big Day

This is how your day of surgery will progress:

 Get to the hospital at once at the time specified by the admissions office. Paper work needs to be done before you are admitted.

 After being admitted, you will tiptoe to the pre-op room, where the nurses will retell your test results and history. They will get you ready for surgery. Whoever brought you to the hospital will be able to stay with you to this point.

 The nurses will insert an Iv before surgery and infuse your prescribed antibiotic.

 You will be wheeled on a gurney to the operating room "holding area".

 This is where you will see the anesthesiologist prior to surgery. He will ask you how much you weigh. Don't even think about lying. The number of anesthesia is based on your weight.

 After the surgery you will awaken from the anesthesia feeling groggy. Your mouth will be dry and there will be pain at the surgical site. You will be given pain medication and ice chips.

 A bulky bandage and a drain will be gift at the site.

 You may have compression stockings on both legs to prevent the risk of blood clots.

 Once your blood pressure, pulse and breathing are stable, you will go to a room in the Orthopedic/Surgical Unit.

The Balance of the day is to recover from the surgery. You will be very tired so sleep as much as you can. It will be annoying but the nurses will come in very often to check your vital signs and, yes, they will wake you up. Use this day to sleep, relax and keep yourself calm. Tomorrow the physical therapy starts.

o You may be able to drink water after surgery when fully awake. Your diet will be soft and will progress as you can tolerate it.

o Your doctor may have ordered a Pca (Patient Controlled Analgesia) to control your pain medication, or injections and/or pain pills. If the Pca is ordered, the nursing staff will supply further facts about how to use its button.

o Nurses will periodically ask you to rate your pain intensity on a 0-10 scale. (0=No Pain, 10-worst pain ever). Be honest!

o You will be asked to take deep breaths and cough. You should do this every 1-2 hours while you are awake to prevent congestion in your lungs. The doctor may even order an incentive spirometer to breathe into. Exhale deeply and hold for 3 seconds and then inhale. Do this 10 times every hour while awake.

o Flex your ankles 10 times every hour while awake to decrease risk of blood clots in your legs.

o Turn from your back to your sides every combine of hours to prevent skin irritations and to help circulation.

If you want further facts on the definite descriptive detail of the carrying out go to http://www.JointReplacement.com. You can get every last detail there.

Okay, it's the day after surgery and the physical therapy division knows you're here, they know your room number and they know the bed number. They will come, ha ha. The therapists know how to deal with you, let them guide you. It's going to be painful. Try to find out from the nurses what time your therapy is scheduled, so you can time a pain killer thirty to forty minutes before they arrive.

Things that should be ordered by your doctor from a medical supply store, delivered to your house and covered by insurance:

o Over the toilet commode with arms

o A commode for next to the bed to use at night

o Wheelchair

o Crutches

o Cast/wound protector for the shower

One thing that is very helpful is a "Reacher Arm". It's invaluable for picking up things that you drop or can't reach.

You must do all the exercises the doctor orders. The more you do them, the faster you will get back in shape. I will not kid you, the exercises will hurt but they surely are essential. If you have entrance to a pool, use it to do aquatic exercises, which will build up your muscles and ligaments, so it won't hurt as much.

One last thing, sleep as much as you can. While you sleep your body heals!

Good luck with your replacement and I promise you, it will be worth it!

Knee change surgery - What You Need To Know From man Who Has Been There

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Anger management - Hot Buttons And How To Cool Them Off

Everyone one has those Damn hot buttons; things that set them off; that trigger reactions in their bodies that seem explosions or implosions. People tend to be afraid of anger because of the destruction, damage, pain, suffering and guilt that goes along with it or follows in its aftermath. When your reactions to the things that cause you anger, stress or dissatisfaction lead to pain or suffering, yours or person else's, then you know it's time to handle your feelings differently!

How do you define anger? What sets your heart pounding, your veins throbbing, your head exploding? What fills your body with thinkable, tension, or ties your stomach in knots? Do any of these symptoms sound or feel familiar? Are you afraid of your anger or person else's? Do you walk nearby on egg shells for fear of setting person off, or are others walking on egg shells for fear of setting you off? either way, it means you are not living with the love and respect for who you are.

Pet Pillow

Anger is energy: Intense, sometimes scary and often overwhelming, but all it is, is energy. Most People are afraid of what this feels like because of past negative messages about anger. Parents often tell children not to be angry, or children grow up receiving the brunt of their parents' anger and were hurt by it emotionally, and/or physically. We carry these negative beliefs within our bodies and minds and react to our feelings of anger in the ways we learned in order to survive in our families of origin. Possibly you grew up in a home where anger was explosive. Maybe your parents yelled, threw things, hit (you or each other) damaged things, etc. You had to learn to survive in that atmosphere. How did you learn to cope? Did you become aggressive or did you become fearful, passive or the peace-maker? Possibly you grew up in a home where anger was more insidious. Maybe love was withheld, or you received messages that you were disapproved of, or a dissatisfaction somehow, or there was silence that was palpable. Most People grew up in homes that were a aggregate of these two extremes. What atmosphere are you living in now? What home are you creating for yourself and for those you love?

Anger is a hot topic (no pun intended). It is a feeling that everyone experiences, yet few People indubitably want to address, talk about or deal with directly. I want you to focus for a moment on what indubitably " makes your blood boil". What makes you "see red"? consideration that both these ask put the "blame" on an external condition or behavior, as if you have no operate over your reactions to circumstances. Often times events that trigger an intense reaction on your part are more linked to your history rather than to the event at hand. Why do you get so utterly incensed at what might otherwise be perceived as a mere wee or oversight? What is it in your history that you are indubitably reacting to? I want you to begin to think about the roots of your reactions, so that you will be in a position to select how you want to rejoinder to something rather than feeling forced or compelled to react to it. The goal, or desired outcome is to feel empowered in situations that cause you stress. Even when People are exploding and they seem so suited and scary, in truth, they are operating from a space that is indubitably weak and powerless. People who seethe internally may appear controlled, and intimidating, but they are indubitably feeling weak and powerless. The People who are indubitably empowered, centered and grounded have no need for violence or demeaning behavior. In your moments of utter frustration, anger and stress, what's indubitably in control: you or your feelings? What is it you are indubitably reacting to? What are your feelings in those moments? What do you indubitably need or want?

Allow yourself to sit and think about the last time you got indubitably angry, frustrated or stressed. How swiftly do you feel your body tense up, and your whole theory move into "red alert"? Stop! Breathe! Focus! What is happening inside you? Where do your feelings resonate most intensely in your body? Just Breathe---and allow yourself to focus on your corporeal feelings. Does your tension sit in your gut; In your head; In your chest; In your throat; In your legs; etc.? Breathe into your feelings. Don'T Do Anything! consideration how hard it is to just sit. Feel the power coursing straight through you. The power is begging for expression: Now You get to settle How to express it! Please remember that if you express this power and you or person else gets hurt (emotionally or physically) you will originate guilt and then the cycle of being out of operate and powerless will be perpetuated.

You have choices! Since anger, stress and dissatisfaction are all variations of the same energy, and it stems from a powerless, helpless and vulnerable space, the desired outcome is to Empower yourself when faced with these feelings. Therefore, selecting empowering expressions of your feelings is what coping with those damn hot buttons is all about. We cannot operate the things that may set us off, but we can operate what we do with our feelings once the trigger has been pulled. Maybe you need to run, take a brisk walk, scream into a pillow, hit a punching bag, vent your feelings with a good friend or advisor until you are ready to chronicle respectfully with whomever you are indubitably angry with, or maybe you need to vacuum, so that not only are you releasing a lot of energy, but you get to talk loudly with no one hearing you. Some People like to yell at the top of their lungs stamp their feet. (Do these in private---the goal is to issue your anger in private, not at or on anything else) Any of these choices are healthy, not harmful to you or anything else, and they all will give you an opportunity to issue your power so that you can Think, and Focus on how you indubitably want to handle a situation in a way that will be loving, respectful and kind for yourself and for whoever else might be involved. When dealing with anger it is imperative to remember Not to attack when the iron is hot, but to wait until that iron has cooled off. Nothing definite or efficient is gained when communicating with hostility, rancor or aggression. The goal is to chronicle with respect; for yourself and those involved.
Breathe gradually and deeply and state out loud and oftentimes throughout the coming days, weeks and months: "My desired outcome is to be safe with my most appealing feelings. I issue and express my feelings in ways that are respectful to myself and those nearby me." Breathe gradually and deeply and allow this to resonate within you.

Anger management - Hot Buttons And How To Cool Them Off

Decorating Your Formal Living Room With Damask

There are numerous ways that damask can be incorporated into a formal living room. It can be used in drapery, upholstery, or in accents throughout the room, such as throw pillows. However, true damask is constructed from pure silk, and it can be rather high-priced to use in vast quantities. Furniture that is upholstered in damask can be truly high-priced to purchase. Therefore, it may not be the most affordable selection for the mean person.

The colonial inspired feel of damask can be achieved straight through the use of damask slipcovers for a person's existing furniture. The price point of such a set ordinarily begins at nearby 9.00 and upwards. Damask invokes a sense of style, comfort, and elegance in an environment. A set of damask slipcovers ordinarily includes covers for a sofa, a loveseat, and a chair. By purchasing these separate covers in a set, the slipcovers will lend a room a complete image of elegance and stateliness. The slipcovers come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The patterns are ordinarily printed in muted colors, but the patterns are variations of excellent patterns created in Italy and Spain in the 1700's.

Pet Pillow

The patterns that are ordinarily used in damask slipcovers consist of geometric patterns and floral prints. However, it is not uncommon to find modern patterns of bamboo, ivy, or straightforward domestic scenes. Despite the pattern or color that a damask slipcover is purchased in, the timelessness of damask creates an environment that is appealing to numerous eyes. A typical damask slipcover for a couch is 77 inches in length, 35 inches in depth, and 35 inches in height. The dimensions for a typical loveseat is 56 inches in length, 35 inches in depth, and 35 inches I height. For a chair, these dimensions are 34 inches in length, 35 inches in depth, and 35 inches in height. However, there are retailers who will customize the dimensions of their slipcovers to fit an individual's existing furniture.

These slipcovers are ordinarily constructed of silk, or a silk blend. Silk can be a durable fabric; however, it is also genuinely susceptible to staining and normal wear and tear. If a someone chooses to spend in this fabric, then it should be displayed in an area that is kept well away from small children and pets.

Decorating Your Formal Living Room With Damask

วันอังคารที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Hates Alarm Clock

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Hates Alarm Clock Video Clips. Duration : 1.53 Mins.

This is my dog Adenine, a German Shorthaired Pointer, waking up to my alarm in the morning. He hates the alarm and howls at it until it turns off. Adenine is about 2 years old in this video.

Tags: animal, pet, dog, puppy, perro, 犬狗собака, chien, كلاب, canine, GSP, german, shorthaired, pointer, deutsch, kurzhaar, DK, vorstehhund, boy, male, liver, brown, 2 years, AKC, american, kennel, club, breed, Adenine, soonerfan237, norman, ok, iphone, video, cute, funny, alarm, clock, howl, whine, sleep, wake, bed, pillow, morning

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Raves, Tears & Boobs

Raves, Tears & Boobs Video Clips. Duration : 6.00 Mins.


Tags: rave, boobs, tears, music, cats, cyanide, green, wigs, elephant, pillow pet, silly talks, Hair Green Animal Rave Cat

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Throw Pillow Covers - Add That Touch of Glamor to Your Home

One of the easiest, affordable and quickest ways to implement a fabricate upgrade in your home is to spend in some throw pillow covers. In this article I will supply you with advice on finding the right throw covers for you pillows. With so many types of throw pillow covers available for buy you may find it increasingly fabulous in finding the right ones for your home, either it be for the bedroom or living room. As well as being used for fabricate calculate throw pillow covers offer practical benefits too. You may want to buy these covers to protect yourself from allergies, or maybe to protect your pillows from pet hair and staining.

Choosing the right size

Pet Pillow

When purchasing a cover sets for your home, insure you buy the right size. With sizes varying enormously from small to more commercial sizes from 11-28 inch. No matter what you do, never try to squeeze a pillow into a throw cover that is too small! Not only could it damage your cover but it also looks quite silly.

Are you going for a button or zip variation?

I recommend using button collection of pillow cover sin the dining and living area while button version for the bedroom. The calculate being is that zipper covers tend to last longer and are easier to to take off due to the zipper fashion. This is perfect for an area such as the living area sofa where pillows tend to be thrown and moved a lot, especially if you have kids!

Choosing the right material

Last but not least is the material of your pillow cover. With so many materials available your choice will depend on factors such as styling and chosen comfort. Some beloved materials to think include:

Cotton Egyptian cotton Silk Lamb wool

Those were by purchasing tips so you can make the right choice for your home. Be sure to check deals online as well as your local bedroom store for great savings and offers. Have fun!

Throw Pillow Covers - Add That Touch of Glamor to Your Home

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Happy Nappers (Parody)

Happy Nappers (Parody) Tube. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

This is a parody of those Happy Napper things that are trying to copy Pillow Pets. Now, me and my friend Hayden (www.youtube.com are gonna give them a taste of their own medicine, cough & cold medicine!

Keywords: happy, nappers, parody, hayden, pillow, pet, wanna, be's, wanna-be's, medicine, coug

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Baby Laika - 8 weeks

Baby Laika - 8 weeks Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

Click this link to see more Laika videos→www.youtube.com Laika's Facebook: www.facebook.com Laika's Twitter: twitter.com

Keywords: baby, Laika, siberian, husky, puppy, cute, pillow, dog, dogs, pet, pets, puppies, mishka, moki

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Great Price My Pillow Pets 9V0539R4 for $23.95

My Pillow Pets Pink Bunny - Pink Review

My Pillow Pets Pink Bunny - Pink Feature

  • Perfect for everyone at any age
  • Machine washable and fluff dry
  • Extra snuggly
  • Great for travel, made by the Original My Pillow Pets
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

My Pillow Pets Pink Bunny - Pink Overview

Pink 18" My Pillow Pet

Related Products

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 22, 2012 10:17:04

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Pillow Chewing Bunny!

Pillow Chewing Bunny! Video Clips. Duration : 1.57 Mins.

Went in my sisters room, to find her pet bunny chewing on her pillow :P Will be posting more vids on her :P but for now, check out: www.RoleplayFactory.com

Tags: Pillow, Chewing, Bunny, Rabbit, Cute, Small, Bunny Rabbit, Baby, Bunnies, Rabbits, Pillows, Tiny, Sister, Awesome, Great, Comedy, Pets, Animals, Love, Roleplay, Factory, Roleplaying, Roleplayers, RP, Forums, rpforums, RPG, MMORP, MMORPG

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Great Price My Pillow Pets 9V0534WH for $19.99

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale - Large (Black And White) Overview

  • Perfect for everyone at any age
  • Machine washable fluff dry
  • Extra snuggly
  • Made by the Original My Pillow Pets
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

From the original My Pillow Pets, this Extra Cuddly Splashy Whale is made of soft grey and white plush fabric. Open the velcro closure and use as a pillow. Close the velcro closure and you have the softest pet ever. This is part of the Original My Pillow Pets, as advertised on Nickelodeon, Discovery Kids, TV Land.


  • Product Measures: 18.0 IN x 9.0 IN x 9.0 IN
  • Recommended Ages: 3 - 100 years

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale - Large (Black And White) Review

My Pillow Pets Splashy Whale - Large (Black And White) Feature

  • Perfect for everyone at any age
  • Machine washable fluff dry
  • Extra snuggly
  • Made by the Original My Pillow Pets
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

Related Products

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 11, 2012 17:17:03

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Cheap Dog Beds - How to Buy a Cheap Bed For Your Dog

Are you seeing for a new dog bed and want a cheap one? Buying the right one for your pet, doesn't have to be a hard task. This article explains how you can, get an reasonable bed for your pet and these products are ordinarily made to last.

Many folks are seeing for a bargain, when it comes to shopping for their pets, we love them so much, but also want to save our money as well. Lets look at how I was able to, buy a great doggie bed and my little companions loved their new sleeping spot.

Pet Pillow

It was simple, the place where these reasonable products are found, was one of those huge reduction stores that are always advertised on television. These large reduction stores provide you, with super discounts compared to large division stores and pet retailers.

I bought a huge doggie pillow, that small to med sized dogs can sleep on, it is so comfortable and these little fur kids love it and will not leave it alone. This particular item and many other items were found, in a store that is always advertised on Tv, for having the cheapest prices compared to larger division stores.

Another way to save on this product, is by visiting a site like Craigslist and just typing "dog beds" and make sure it is in the for sale section. You will get tons of choices and there are lots of goodies, out there that won't be too high-priced for you.

If you are not familiar with Craigslist, just head on over to Google and type "Craigslist", without the quotes and head on over to the site that has an.org extension, next click on your state and then the city you live in. Next use the search button and type the keyword(s) that fit what you are seeing for.

Next time, you need to save money on your doggie supply, then just head over to your low price reduction store or just head on over to Craigslist and take a look at what is being offered. I use these 2 methods all the time and save lots of money on products for my dogs.

Cheap Dog Beds - How to Buy a Cheap Bed For Your Dog

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

A Dog Basket for Some Pooch Lovin'

Dogs are as a matter of fact great companions as they play with you, guard your home, and even accompany you in your shopping sprees or jogging frolic. Abundance of families love having these adorable tail-waggers in their home. If you and your kids are dog-lovers, why not provide your canine fur balls a handy pet carrier like a dog basket? These baskets are ideal options to keep your dogs safe and comfortable, whenever and wherever. It is also a neat present for your loved ones who are dog owners wanting to have their pups curling conveniently on it.

Dog basket is an excellent gifts for dog enthusiasts, not only making them pleased but their high-priced pooches as well. Heaps of these baskets include dog treats and items to pamper your darling pooches. In fact, you can find baskets that have toys, dishes, accessories, even spa treatments, all for the sake of your dog. You can even have baskets with an assortment of specialty items excellent for your dog.

Pet Pillow

Basket of sorts

You can base the various types and kinds of dog baskets agreeing to the type of dog that you have. You can grab baskets crammed with treats, toys, or dog treatments along with shampoos, soap, and anti-lice treatments. There are also different themes and styles to choose from. The basket should have definite features that make your pup feel like a king or queen when curled up in the basket. These baskets also have to be the excellent fit for your pooch. Of course, they come in a range of sizes, big, medium, or small. Make sure that the basket should make your dog feel comfortable. If not, it can tremendously sway the dog's health. The allowable shape is also important and you can nab spherical, oval, square, or C-shaped outlines.

For bigger dogs, a square-shaped basket is ideal while smaller pooches would likely prefer a C-shaped form or an oval. Depending on the type of doggie you have, its size and shape will help conclude the allowable mold of a basket. Examples of these baskets include a bike basket. Dog bike baskets are great if you want to have a furry companion during your daily practice routines. These baskets have water bottle pockets, movable rain covers, mesh pockets, and durable microfibers, all for your pet's comfort.

Stuff it's made of

Ensure that your dog baskets are crafted from good organic material since dogs do tend to gnaw on basket edges. If the stuff is created from hard metal, your dog's teeth might do the crunching and can cause serious problems. Veer away from soft materials as well since they can end up on your dog's tummy. Basket materials should be thought about when buying baskets. Woven resin baskets are great as they are long-lasting and have a sturdy design. These baskets can be ornamental in a home as well. Plus, they have comfy plush cushions excellent for your pet to lounge on it. Some baskets have high sides which offer safety to your pooch.

Multi-functional aspect

Going online is top choice for searching for these baskets. The Web has a mishmash of reliable, safe, and affordable products to place your orders from. However, keep in mind the functionality of dog baskets. The dog basket should be capable of retention a mattress, a pillow, your dog's toys, treats, and other items. Versatility is key when choosing dog baskets since it's what your dog truly deserves. Dog baskets even have cut off compartments and pockets to hold important items which carry on to keep the house clean sans all that litter. These pockets can be used to store play things where they are most needed, near your pooch.

A Dog Basket for Some Pooch Lovin'

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Ella & Friend

Ella & Friend Video Clips. Duration : 1.22 Mins.

Ella pillow pets its a pillow its a pet

Keywords: Ella, pillow, pets, its, pet, home video

วันอังคารที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Dave Heinz H8 Fest - How I Really Feel

Dave Heinz H8 Fest - How I Really Feel Video Clips. Duration : 3.80 Mins.

Lyrics: Here's a little song I wrote About a girl from New York City You're just a stupid lyin cheatin fuckin scumbag whore And I hope every relationship you have goes wrong I hope your car breaks down on the freeway And then you get depressed and wind up gaining lots of weight I hope your pet needs expensive surgery And then you eat shrimp and you get a shellfish allergy I hope it rains on your vacation every day and night And that you burn your mouth on a hot pizza slice I hope your boss is a real jerk and gets up in your face And then you come home and you cry into your pillow case That's right baby Now let me tell you how I REALLY feel You're just a stupid, lyin, cheatin, fuckin scumbag whore And I hope every relationship you have goes wrong I hope you step in doodoo in your brand new shoes And then your alcoholic father drinks a ton of booze I hope you get your period ALL THE TIME And then you're never ever ever feelin satisfied You're just a stupid lyin cheatin fucking scumbag whore And I hope every relationship you have goes wrong I'm gonna tell you how I really feel girl I hope every time you order delivery, they never get it right I hope your kids' college text books are very expensive I hope you order bad Indian food I hope your credit card gets declined when you're shoppin I hope your pet fish dies I hope you get a Nickleback CD for Christmas I hope Netflix accidentally sends you the Parent Trap that's right Produced by Jon Stern at Rough Magic Studios in ...

Tags: How I Really Feel, Dave Heinz and the Divorcees, Valentine's Day, cupid, stupid, lying, cheating, scumbag, whore

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Bed Bugs: Are They Real?

If you concept that bed bugs were things that your parents just concept up on their own, you're wrong. There are precisely bed bugs and they precisely can enter into your bed while you sleep at night. Although many don't realize it, bed bugs are creatures that you can have in your home right now. You may think that there's no chance of that happening, but in reality, they are there. You should take the time to find out if you have them and then, if you do, you should get your home treated, as they are likely living throughout the fabrics in your home!

Where Are They?

Pet Pillow

The first thing to realize is that bed bugs may be lurking in your bed. Take a few minutes to check out your bed. Don't just look at the sheets, but look under them. Look in the folds of the mattress, including along the edges where the mattresses are sown together. If you see tiny small black marks, those are the droppings from bed bugs. normally you won't see the creatures unless it is late at night. generally they can burrow their way into the mattress itself and live there. But, they can also live in the walls of your bedroom. As long as they are within a few feet of your bed, they are ready and able to lie in wait for you! You may never precisely see these creatures, either.

Another sign that you have bed bugs happens to be on your body. Most of the time, bed bugs will come into your bed, bite you in one location, draw blood to drink, then move to someone else location, generally in a line that runs with your vein. If you have unexplained marks on any part of your skin, it may be do to them. Or, you may consideration blood stains that are very small on your sheets. This too is a sign that you may be being bit at night.

What In The World Can You Do?

Bed bugs are creatures of habit and they also need you. You are their source of food. Although they don't have to feed nightly, they do need you at some point. What's more is that there are probably many hundreds and thousands of them lurking in wait. Therefore, it is foremost for you to seek out the help of a expert cleaner to get rid of them. Unfortunately, you may need to replace your mattress as there aren't many ways to thoroughly clean them without allowing mold to grow in them.

You should have a expert come into your home as well as clean all carpeting, drapes and even the couches and sofas in your home. Because they can travel and they can host off of your pets, they can be placed in various places throughout your home. Removing them from your home should be one of the most foremost things to do. Once they are gone, purchase plastic style mattress covers and pillow covers that won't allow whatever to get in or get out of the mattresses and pillows including bed bugs.

Bed Bugs: Are They Real?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornados, etc!

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornados, etc! Video Clips. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

My experience during the earthquake and irene! Music Credit: Meat Market by Everybody Else

Keywords: Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, Irene, Pillow, Pet, Cute, Funny, Meat, Market, by, Everybody, Else

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Great Price My Pillow Pets 9V0534DORS for $16.99

My Pillow Pet Dolphin - Small (Light Blue) Overview

  • Perfect for everyone at any age
  • Machine washable fluff dry
  • Extra snuggly
  • Made by the Original My Pillow Pets
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

From the original My Pillow Pets, this Extra Cuddly Friendly Frog is made of soft green plush fabric. Open the velcro closure and use as a pillow. Close the velcro closure and you have the softest pet ever. This is part of the Original My Pillow Pets, as advertised on Nickelodeon, Discovery Kids, TV Land.


  • Product Measures: 14.0 IN x 6.0 IN x 6.0 IN
  • Recommended Ages: 2 - 100 years

My Pillow Pet Dolphin - Small (Light Blue) Review

My Pillow Pet Dolphin - Small (Light Blue) Feature

  • Perfect for everyone at any age
  • Machine washable fluff dry
  • Extra snuggly
  • Made by the Original My Pillow Pets
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

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Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 03, 2012 12:00:06

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Cuddle Pet Pillow Brown Bear 18"

Cuddle Pet Pillow Brown Bear 18" Review

Cuddle Pet Pillow Brown Bear 18" Feature

  • Perfect for everyone 3+
  • Made of soft lavender plush
  • Open the Velcro closure to use as a pillow, Close the Velcro closure and enjoy the softest pet ever
  • Pillow dimensions: 14 x 18.5 x 4"
  • Great for travel

Cuddle Pet Pillow Brown Bear 18" Overview

Bring your child the joy, comfort and friendship of a soft and gentle Cuddlee Pet! Made of soft brown plush, Cuddlee Pets serve as both a stuffed animal and pillow, making nap time relaxing and fun for your child.

Cuddlee Pets are excellent companions for long trips or vacations and always provide kids with a cuddly buddy and a comfortable place to lay their head.

Product Features:

  • Perfect for everyone 3+
  • Made of soft brown plush
  • Extra snuggly
  • Open the Velcro closure to use as a pillow
  • Close the Velcro closure and enjoy the softest pet ever
  • Great for travel
  • Pillow dimensions when open: 18 x 12 x 4 inches as measured flat and not including the head
  • Conforms to ASTN and EN71 regulations

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 01, 2012 11:34:04