วันศุกร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Small Dog Crates

Small dog crates come in separate styles, a heavy wire structure, polypropylene structure, or wicker structure, and wood structure as well as soft sided nylon crates used for camping. Each style will meet the needs of the dog and dog owner. Dog crates serve two purposes, house-training the pet and a safe haven for the dog. There are the dog crates used for airline travel. The polypropylene crate would be the style which could satisfy the requirements of the airlines and also be used at home for training and safe haven functions. The wood and wicker structures are more for ornamental purposes and can be used as furniture in ones home, like in the living room, bedroom or den.

All small dog crates regardless of how they are made will meet the need to help house-train the dog. The crate will need to be large adequate for the dog to be able to turn nearby in. Dogs are clean animals and will not potty in their own living space. Since the goal of house-training is to teach the dog to hold its bladder and bowel until the pet owner can take them out to perform their elimination functions. When the dog has learned how to control its bowel and bladder, the crate becomes its safe place. Here the dog will go when it is feeling stress, wants to take a nap, or just get out of the way of the business of the household.

Pet Pillow

The heavy wire crate and the polypropylene crates are not going to be displayed in the home as furniture. However, they are simple, productive and inexpensive. The polypropylene small dog crate meets the requirements of domestic airlines and international airlines for travel. They even come with a "live animal" sticker. They are easy to clean, ordinarily have an easy to remove bottom which can be washed out and dried before replacement. Crate pillows will fit in the bottom of these crates without difficulty.

The wicker and wood constructed small dog crates are made to be a part of the house to be used in the living area. Either its the bedroom as a nightstand or den or living room as an end table, these small dog crates will fit into the décor of the home without anyone noticing. Depending upon the brand, the door can be removed so as not to interfere with walking nearby the room.

The nylon small dog crate is specifically designed to be used for camping or traveling. When not used for those activities, the nylon small dog crate will be folded up and put away. These crates can be secured to the car seats to prevent injury of the pet while in transit. They also provide the pet with its own safe haven when in the unfamiliar surroundings of the campgrounds or the household the family is visiting. They are also ideal for securing the pet when staying in a hotel.

Therefore, there is no infer why the small dog should not be able to enjoy the security and the ease of house-training afforded it with a small dog crate. The pet owner will have peace of mind their pet is safely secured at home and not destroying possessions until it has been house-trained. And the pet can have its own place to go when the stresses of family living overcome it.

Small Dog Crates

