วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Zelda Video Diary - 12 weeks old

Zelda Video Diary - 12 weeks old Video Clips. Duration : 8.68 Mins.

This week we didn't get everything done that we had originally planned because we ran into some "avoidance" issues with being pet or picked up. Most of this wee was spent on shaping her to allow being touched and having her collar pulled. But we did get to learn a new piece of equipment - the balance pillow whichhelps the dog with balance and proprioception - look for a cameo from Zelda's Toy Fox Terrier buddy "Divot". See you next week!

Keywords: Agility, Dog, Training, Shaping, Proprioception, Martini's, Ranch, Debby, Wheeler, Zelda, Balance, Pillow

